About Fluent in Crazy

What is this website about?


I spent most of my life wondering what the hell was wrong with my family ... I finally found the answer ... Alcoholism and Mental Illness ... They affect the entire family and my whole family is riddled with both!

Funny to say ‘Riddled’, because these two maladies sure do create a lot of riddles to be solved ...

At the time of this writing, I am 25 years sober from Drugs & Alcohol and have solved many of my own riddles, but some of my family’s, and my own problems/issues still elude me ...


My Brother is seriously mentally ill with Schizophrenia, hospitalized countless times, for the last 35 years, in 7 different states (as in property states, not states of mind or being ... There are many more of those! Ha!) I am one of his caretakers, his power of attorney and the main support person for him ...

I was always worried I was mentally ill, like my brother ... I discovered along the way that alcoholism is a form of mental illness, so yes, I am mentally ill as well ... but I have a spiritual solution for my illness, and a daily remedy when I connect with my Higher Power/God.

I have found that the mental illnesses my brother and I have are very similar ... two sides of the same coin ... they are down the same road of insanity, but whatever it is that we got, he just got a much bigger dose of it than I ...

Things to Remember While You are Here

This website is about understanding Mental Illness & Alcoholism, or maybe, collectively, NOT understanding them, but at least coming to grips with the realities (or fantasies) they produce ...

Also, and maybe even more importantly, is the hope of how I have been able to navigate through it all and find some of my answers ... This is an ongoing process ... it has taken many years, but I have found Peace, Joy & Laughter along the way, in the midst of, and in spite of, all the insanity ...

I hope you will take this journey with me to maybe finding some of your own answers ... I hope to bring you hope that someone else has gone through much of what you are going through, has survived & thrived through it and can shine a light on the darkness of these heavy subjects ...

Final Thoughts

I do get very honest on these pages ... I use strong language and have strong opinions ... if you don’t like that ... go somewhere else ... I am going to speak my mind and the truth as I see it ... I’ve lived too long being afraid of what others may think ... I am ready to live in Freedom and Truth for a Greater Purpose ...

Abuse, Trolls, and Harsh Criticism will not be tolerated. Not wise to mess with Crazy ... just sayin’ ...

I pray we all can find answers together and if nothing else, I pray to bring more awareness of Mental Illness and Alcoholism to whomever will listen ...

Thank you ... Love you!